SOCS Sales Opportunity Conversion Strategy

SOCS Sales Opportunity Conversion Strategy

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Sales Opportunity Conversion Strategy (SOCS)

SOCS is a methodology that will assist a sales team to create a winning sales strategy and then to execute the strategy.

It first assists the sales team to lay the foundation for a successful strategy via the function shown in red in the diagram below.

It then assists the team to develop a winning strategy (the functionality shown in Blue).


As sellers, we also need a methodology to help us move our prospects through the steps in the sales process such as EDVANCE.  



The EDVANCE and SOCS approach to selling is based on authenticity.  It assists us to diplomatically challenge the buyer by disrupting the way they are currently thinking about their business and helping them move to a more valuable future vision. Businesses that adopt this approach will assist their salespeople, sales support staff and sales management to create and adopt a winning sales culture based around a documented process supported by proven selling principles and values. It is designed to help develop a common selling language enabling salespeople to grow a culture that will enhance sales productivity and create maximum value for our customers and our people.

For more information on SOCS and related tools Contact Us


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