Mark McInnes 108 Social Selling Tips

108 Social Selling Tips

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108 Social Selling Tips

Collated and designed by Mark McInnes from 42 real world successful social selling practitioners.

Mark collated 108 social selling tips from people he has respect for due to their social selling activities. These experts come from a large cross section of industries and various business roles, they are entrepreneurs, founders, CEOs, consultants, marketers, sales enablers, sellers, sales leaders, finance professionals, authors

The one thing they all have in common is that they have a strong ‘social game’; some have strengths in one particular area, others have strengths in many. All are worthy of a ‘follow’ on Linkedin or Twitter, and if you’re looking to find a good way to learn about Social and Digital selling following these people is a great way to do that.

Mark suggests that you take the time to follow or even connect with those you think have supplied a great social tip here, and please let them know that you read their strategies in this publication.

Collated and designed by Mark McInnes.  Should you want to learn more contact Mark.


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