About Us

What is it?

Sales Leader Forums are peer-group networks exclusive to sales leaders who want to grow professionally and personally, and improve the sustainability of their company’s revenue engine and sales team.


The purpose of Sales Leader Forums is to enhance the revenue of B2B sales organisations.

Through experiential and shared learning we aim to provide an environment in which Sales Leaders can enhance their skills and capability in their specific discipline enabling their career to blossom and for their company to prosper.

Our future vision is that clients and customers of those salespeople having participated in Sales Leader Forums will widely respect and trust the sales profession – that they can naturally expect that the primary focus and skill of the salespeople who serve them is to create value for them. They do this by applying domain expertise and insight to influence, lead and challenge for the betterment of their client’s business.


Through experiential and shared learning.

Sales Leader Forums bring together 10 to 14 Sales Leaders from similar yet non-competing companies who collaborate to learn from each other and to help each other with solutions to issues in their sales operation. A peer group that shares its experiences, discusses what has and hasn’t worked, offers support and guidance to improve the sustainability of the Member company’s revenue engine and sales team.

In one half-day peer group meeting every two months, 1-on-1 coaching and an annual national conference, Members are able to collaborate with like-minded individuals to learn how they have dealt with the same challenges and problems that others are facing. Members benefit from mutual group mentoring and experience-based advice, not theories.


Because it’s lonely at the top!

Peer Group forums have been around for decades, but they have largely been focussed on a specific industry or general business leadership roles. Sales Leaders have been missing out.

Being a sales leader is a high-pressure and often lonely job. CEOs, Boards and shareholders demand short-term results.

Salespeople require your guidance and coaching in strategy, processes, procedures, tactics, skills and more. Peers from other disciplines don’t fully understand the issues involved in sales.  These demands mean they can’t afford to spend time in a generalist peer-group talking about issues relating to manufacturing, finance, R&D etc.



Sales Leadership Forums is not about us. it’s about you, our Members.

You are the primary leader responsible for achieving your company or division’s revenue objective. You are accountable for leading a sales organisation and want to lead your team to win, grow and keep profitable customer relationships. 

You believe the most effective growth in knowledge comes from sharing and ‘getting better together’. You want to meet like-minded sales leaders all committed to sharing knowledge and experiential learning, connecting peer-to-peer and developing a tight support network to solve problems and discuss the issues that they face in running their sales teams. 

You want to keep across the most effective sales strategies, processes and methodologies to help you develop professionally and personally and deliver better results to your business. 


The success of Sales Leadership Forums is reliant on the consistent delivery of value and quality to our Members...and this is reliant on our Forum Chairs.

Your Forum Chair will be an experienced professional with a strong background of sales leadership success. They will most likely have a successful track record in ‘C’ level sales leadership and/or have a track record as a consultant to sales leaders and CEO’s.

While all Forum Chairs have inherently strong and demonstrable skills in facilitating meetings based on their professional experience. To ensure the high quality standards of Sales Leader Forums is achieved and maintained, and Members are actively involved to gain maximum benefit, every Chair is trained trained and accredited by Sales Leader Forums. 


John5 500x500 Green halo

John Smibert has had a long career in sales and sales leadership in the world of complex B2B sales.

John works with companies who recognise the old way they sell is no longer effective and they are seeking to transform to new, more productive sales models.

Since ‘retiring’ from the corporate world, John has strived towards enhancing trust in the sales and sales leadership professions, and in openly sharing his knowledge and that of his peers. He is the brains and the energy behind the foundation of Sales Masterminds APAC .

John is a pragmatist who strives to be one of the most switched on old heads in the rapidly changing world of B2B sales. He understands the real role of a salesperson is to lead their customers to positive change that enables them to reach valuable new horizons. 

Sales Leaders Forum is an initiative of Peer Forums International Pty Ltd (ABN 51 635 045 233)

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European Peer Group Chair Wanted

We have a number of new enquiries from sales leaders based in the UK, Europe and South Africa who are looking to join a peer group.

We need a Chair to facilitate this new on-line group. This is a valuable role that will be rewarded.

If interested read "Is a Forum Role for you?" and if the answer is "yes" please Contact Us


A Sales Leader Forum provides you with the opportunity to connect with your peers and create a support network of like-minded individuals to learn how they have dealt with the same challenges, issues and problems that you’re facing.



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